世卫:各国应提倡母乳喂养 严管配方奶营销
时间:2016-05-13 09:54:44

据报道,联合国儿童基金会(UNICEF)与国际婴儿食品行动联盟(IBFAN)表示,母乳营养价值较高,但有许多国家未能严格管制配方奶营销,仍有太多婴幼儿依赖配方奶。世卫组织营养促进健康和发展部主任布兰卡(Franscesco Branca)表示,许多地方通过广告与虚假宣传给妈妈灌输错误的观念。
Geneva (AFP) - Legislation against the promotion of breast milk substitutes must be significantly tightened if global efforts to encourage breast feeding are to succeed, a UN report warned Monday.
It is widely recognised that breastfeeding carries huge health benefits, but countries' failure to crack down on the marketing of substitutes means far too many children are still being reared on formula, said the World Health Organization, the UN children's agency UNICEF and the International Baby Food Action Network (IBFAN)。
原文链接:各国应提倡母乳喂养 严管配方奶营销